Physical address:
2nd floor – Estate House
4-6 High Street, Sutton Coldfield
Birmingham, B72 1XA
Keeping a food factory clean offers more benefits than just keeping your staff well – it keeps you out of the headlines, out of court and ensures the health of your consumers. Even though you should ensure your factory complies with food hygiene law every day of the year, hygiene inspections might be the time that you stop and think about your factory policies and how you can improve them.
Salmonella, campylobacter, E.coli and listeria are just a handful of things that can be present on raw food materials brought into your factory, and cross contamination is easy if strict guidelines aren’t followed. Furthermore, if the environment isn’t cleaned down properly on a daily basis, you can be sure to be cooking up trouble.
Despite having separate sections of the factory that cater for raw and cooked ingredients, and although you might have shoe and hand wash facilities on site, you can never be 100% sure that your staff are not transporting bacteria that could spread life threatening illnesses among the general population. Therefore, having strict area clean down policies are an essential part of ensuring the smooth running of a food factory.
Although it’s important for them to be told to keep the factory clean, it’s important that they understand why. Not only does following strict global food standards keep them safe at work, it prevents the risk of food poisoning and foreign body contamination, avoids pest infestations, reduces product recalls and enhances productivity.
At a basic level, the cleanliness and appearance of your manufacturing plant is a visual indicator of the standards of your business. If the factory is dirty, run down and disorganised, it is clear to see what kind of image that might project to visitors and potential clients. It also drags down morale among workers and creates a culture where staff don’t pay due care and attention.
Even with all this in mind, cleaning a food factory is often seen as a necessary evil and expense that must come out of a company’s profits. At MCS Cleaning, we would argue that having your food manufacturing plant regularly cleaned down is an essential way of protecting your profits, your business name and integrity. Furthermore, it protects your workers and consumers from foodborne illnesses and foreign body contamination and helps keep your bottom line steady by avoiding product recalls.
To organise a thorough and professional clean down of your factory, call us today on: 0800 6120437. We’ll help protect your brand and reputation by giving your manufacturing plant the cleaning routine it needs to stay looking sparkling and meeting top level food hygiene standards.