Physical address:
2nd floor – Estate House
4-6 High Street, Sutton Coldfield
Birmingham, B72 1XA
No matter what type of environment you work in, keeping the workplace as clean as possible is important. Whilst it’s easy to keep the building clean in some businesses, factories can be notoriously difficult to maintain in tip top shape.
We have put together a list of 5 reasons to call in the factory cleaning experts:
Save time
In many factories, employees are often expected to clean up their workspace, however, business owners and employees are usually extremely busy. When certain tasks must be completed, or orders must make their way out of the factory, tasks like cleaning are soon forgotten. By hiring professional factory cleaners, you can ensure that the workplace is kept as clean as possible without hindering production and preventing orders from getting out on time.
Nobody is faster at factory cleaning than trained factory cleaning professionals.
Improve Health & Safety and reduce the risk of accidents
Although factories are often considered dirty places and cleaning can be low down on the list of priorities when deadlines must be met, regular cleaning can help to reduce Health & Safety and accident risks in factories. In an environment where there could be dangerous machinery or hazardous substances, as well as working at height risks in some cases, failing to keep surfaces clean and tidy, could lead to serious injuries, or even fatality.
By hiring a professional factory cleaning company to carry out regular cleaning services, you can stand to considerably improve Health & Safety and reduce risks of accidents and injury. By keeping staff safe, businesses can also save money.
Prevent wear and tear
On a factory floor with heavy footfall, not to mention the constant movement of materials and products along the production line and the use of Forklift trucks and other vehicles, wear and tear is inevitable. However, wear and tear can be slowed down by calling in factory cleaners to ensure that floors are properly cleaned and protected on a regular basis.
Make for a much more sanitary environment
In an industrial environment, dust and dirt can build up very quickly, which not only looks unsightly, but can also trigger allergies as a result of airborne particles. In some cases, dust may be mixed with hazardous substances that are potentially very detrimental to worker’s health if breathed in. Professional cleaning services can help to keep dust and dirt levels to a minimum.
Factory cleaners have the right equipment to get the job done
By bringing in the experts, you can rest assured that specialist techniques and equipment will be used to make sure the factory is cleaned both safely and efficiently. Factory cleaners can provide multiple specialist services such as installing anti-bird netting, renovating facades and cleaning cladding and gutters at height, as well as cleaning a wide range of different surfaces, including:
To enquire about factory cleaning services, call MCS today on 0800 612 0437 to learn more about your local branch.